Ooredoo & WebRadar

Ooredoo Tunisia bases its marketing activities on WebRadar’s reports . Ooredoo measures the impact of its campaigns, its audience share and content share via our reports and analysis.

Ogilvy & WebRadar

Ogilvy watches for its clients’ e-reputation via WebRadar’s reports and analysis. With a time-saving and well targeted manner .

TBWA & WebRadar

Thanks to WebRadar’s time-saving manner , TBWA uses reports, analysis and information to ameliorate its pitches and attract potential clients.

Havas & WebRadar

Havas trusts in WebRadar’s reports and analysis to win pitches , present relevant information to its clients and to watch for the e-reputation of its clients.

Berkman Center & WebRadar

Berkman Center use WebRadar to develop a series of reports examining the role of the networked public sphere in advancing civic participation and collective action in the Arab region. The online space in Egypt, Tunisia, and Bahrain reflects a growingly polarized and contentious offline political environment, with less consensus than existed five years ago.

Tunisian Government & WebRadar

Tunisian Goverment Has chosen WebRadar to analyze public opinion and to look into various changes that have been thoroughly appeared in the political, economic and social to find solutions and react quickly.

The World Bank & WebRadar

The World Bank uses WebRadar to prepare analytical reports of the Tunisian ecosystem to see the impact of each project launched in Tunisia.

Mindshare & WebRadar

Mindshare uses WebRadar to present relevant benchmark and e-reputation reports to its clients.

Traveltodo & WebRadar

Traveltodo use WebRadar to track his clients in real time and to see how they interact with the services that they offer to them to adjust their strategy.

McCANN & WebRadar

McCann uses WebRadar to measure the impact of each campaign via KPIs within our platform.

CIRC & WebRadar

CIRC uses WebRadar to analyse and understand its area of activities . As an NGO, it needs to have clear insights about new trends , new ways NGOs are operating with.

OMV & WebRadar

OMV uses WebRadar to measure the impact of each campaign via KPIs within our platform.


SERVICED uses WebRadar to measure the impact of each campaign via KPIs within our platform.

G-Dice & WebRadar

G-DICE uses WebRadar to measure the impact of each campaign via KPIs within our platform.

RFR & WebRadar

RFR is using WebRadar mainly to analyze and understand public opinion about its activities. It uses reports as a support to plan ahead its activities.

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